How to stay healthy during cold and Flu season

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It’s upon us again. The weather is getting colder and germs are spreading around the office and your children’s’ schools. Yes, it is cold and flu season. here are some terrific ways you can protect yourself and your children to make cold and flu season more bearable.

Why are the cold and flu viruses more common during the cold winter months? The below video from CNN explains this mystery.

video from CNN Video

If your child comes home from school coughing, sneezing or with a runny nose. Don’t panic it could just be the common cold. here are some terrific ways you can help your child get through his cold faster and have an easier time with his symptoms. If you live in a climate that is dry during the colder months put a warm mist vaporizer in your child’s room. Breathing in the moist air will help break up your child’s cough and could shorten the amount of days he suffers with the cough.

Vitamin C and the common Cold

Make sure your child drinks plenty of vitamin C. research as shown that Vitamin C reduces the duration of the common cold. terrific sources of Vitamin C include, Papaya (60mg), strawberries (60mg), oranges (50mg), cauliflower (40mg), and spinach (30mg). According to The medical college of Wisconsin, the recommended intake of vitamin C for children are as follows:

1-3 years: 15 mg

4-8 years: 25 mg

9-13 years: 45 mg

14-18: 75 mg for boys and 65 mg for girls

Vitamin C can also help reduce the length of the cold in adults. here is the RDA (recommended dietary allowance) of vitamin C for adults:

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For pregnant and lactating (breast feeding) women:

Pregnant: 80-85 mg

Lactating: 115-120 mg

Healthy Adults

75 mg per day for women;

90 mg for men.

Smokers should add an additional 35 mg per day because their metabolic turnover of vitamin C is more rapid, as is their rate of oxidative stress.

C-Complex 1000 Tablets

There are several ways that you can prevent the cold and flu from spreading around your family. Make sure your children wash their hands frequently during cold and flu season. use an antibiotic soap and keep objects around the house that are touched frequently sanitized. Spray the telephone, television remote control, computer keyboard, door knobs, toys and light switches with antibacterial spray. Antibacterial disinfecting wipes can also kill household germs that could spread the cold and flu viruses.

If you don’t want to suffer from the cold this season taking Echinacea has been proven to boost the immune system in adults thus reducing the duration of the cold. pregnant and lactating women should not take this herbal supplement.

Echinacea w/Goldenseal Root

How Do You tell the difference between the cold and Influenza?

According to, “In the U.S., an estimated 25–50 million cases of the flu are currently reported each year — leading to 150,000 hospitalizations and 30,000–40,000 deaths yearly. If these figures were to be estimated incorporating the rest of the world, there would be an average of approximately 1 billion cases of flu, around 3–5 million cases of severe illness, and 300,000–500,000 deaths annually.”

“The cold and flu are both respiratory illnesses, but they are caused by different types of viruses. Flu symptoms usually come on quickly (within 3-6 hours) and consist of a fever, body aches, dry cough, and extreme tiredness. cold symptoms are less severe and people experience a stuffy nose, productive cough, slight tiredness, and limited body aches.”

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If you or your child suffers from a dry cough that is accompanied by a fever, body aches, and moderate to severe tiredness it most likely is the flu. Sneezing, a stuffy nose and sore throat are all common symptoms of the cold but are not present in the influenza virus. If you or your child is throwing up most likely it is food poisoning and not the flu. contact your doctor right away if any of the symptoms become severe.

The number one way you can prevent the flu is by getting a flu vaccine. There are two types of flu vaccines, a nasal spray (sometimes referred to as LAIV for “Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine”) — which is a spray taken in the nose, en het griep “schot” dat meestal een geïnactiveerd (of gedood) vaccin bevat. Kinderen van 2 jaar kunnen de nasale spray krijgen.

Wie is het meest in gevaar?

Iedereen kan de griepprik krijgen, maar het wordt het meest aanbevolen dat deze mensen elk jaar worden gevaccineerd

Kinderen van 6 maanden tot hun 19e verjaardag vangenoten vrouwen 50 jaar oud en ouderen van elke leeftijd met bepaalde chronische medische aandoeningen die in verpleeghuizen wonen en andere langdurige zorgfaciliteiten die leven met of zorgen voor mensen met een hoog risico op complicaties van griep , inclusief: Contacten voor gezondheidswerkershuishouden van personen met een hoog risico op complicaties van de fluhousehold -contacten en van thuiszorgers van kinderen jonger dan 6 maanden oud (deze kinderen zijn te jong om te worden gevaccineerd)

Gerelateerde 10 unieke last-minute geschenken voor gezonde moeders

Neem je vitamines, houd je huis schoon, drink veel sinaasappelsap en zorg er vooral voor dat iedereen in je familie zijn jaarlijkse griepprik krijgt. Deze tips helpen u en uw gezin dit koude en griepseizoen gezond te blijven.

Koud en griep ResourcesCenters voor ziektebestrijding en preventiewmd kou en flufind een griepkliniek gesponsord door de American Lung Association

Link naar dit bericht: hoe gezond te blijven tijdens kou en Griepseizoen


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